Who knows me, knows that I love to read. I hated reading as a child & teenager, but I found my passion at 22 and have since read about 200 books.

I’d like to share with you the 10 best health books to read in 23 to up your understanding based on brand-new findings. Health science is moving at fast speed and if you don’t educate yourself, you’ll be left behind.
Many of the books discuss topics that traditionally-educated people would call controversial at best, such as the thoroughly positive impact of meat & animals on the environment (Sacred Cow) or what parasites can do for our health (Epidemic of Absence). But who cares about dogma, when the goal is seeking truth?

Many of these books have complemented my understanding as a coach and have been very interesting to read. I hope you feel the same way and stumble upon an epiphany or two. The 10 books are in no particular order. The respective links marked with ‘*’ are affiliate links and will take you to external booksellers. Buying through them supports my work here.

Life on the Edge: The Coming Age of Quantum BIology by Jim Al Khalili & Johnjoe McFadden

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Life on the Edge* presents the authors’ works within the novel field of quantum biology – uniting quantum mechanics with biology.

The book does a terrific job of explaining the highly complex (and often unintuitive) physical theory that rules the world of quantum. Additionally, they provide many examples from the world of biology where quantum effects take place.
Two exciting examples are quantum tunneling in the respiratory chain of mitochondria and how photosynthesis uses Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle to trap light photons.

This finally incorporates physics into biology and we move away from the stifling paradigm of medicine that everything takes place via biochemical processes. Only because pharma can make a killing off that dogma doesn’t mean it’s complete. What if biochemistry were subject to the fundamental layer of physics? I know, heretic idea…

A great read for anyone interested in physics, quantum mechanics, and cells. You don’t need much prior knowledge and everything is explained clearly. In fact, this was one of my absolute top 3 reads because of the novelty of ideas.

An Epidemic of Absence: A New Way of Understanding Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases von Moises Velasquez-Manoff

An Epidemic of Absence* was one of my favorite books of 2022 because it is very controversial while prividing a unique view of the immune system and autoimmune diseases.

According to the book, our modern body lacks input from the environment in the form of microbes, parasites and co. Those inputs were always present before modern times and hygiene methods. So, by the lack of it, our rarely-asked immune system turns against us. The author investigates this punchline with the help of a lot of interesting science and explains them together with many disease patterns such as allergies, asthma, or Crohn’s.

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All in all a splendid book! In addition, it also explains how helminth therapy1= therapy with the help of parasitic worms, such as Necator Americanus. works and provides a ground for discussion of this controversial method.

Vitamin K2 and the Calcium-Paradox by Kate Rhéaume-Bleue

Vitamin K is probably THE most misunderstood vitamin there is. Even science misunderstood it for 50 years – that’s the reason why there is K1 & K2 today.

Even the health recommendations unfortunately still don’t understand it and equate K1 & K2. Too bad, the two are fundamentally different and cannot replace each other. The consequences are a widespread lack of K2 today, with problems such as arteriosclerosis, tooth decay and fractures in old age. Medicine accepts this as a normal aging process, but what if it was just a K2 deficiency?

This question and many other K2-related topics are explored in ‘The Vitamin K2 and Potassium Paradox*’ by Kate Reaume-Bleue. It is easy to read and all the technical terms are well explained. An exciting book that really everyone should read since many people today are K2 deficient because of our societies frowning upon animal foods.

Power, Sex & Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life by Nick Lane

Power, Sex & Suicide by Nick Lane* explores the foundations of life and aims to answer the question of why it looks as it is found everywhere today. To do this, Nick Lane focuses on the most basic level of the cell – the mitochondria.

In this book, one of the most respected experts on mitochondria teaches many exciting facts from the world of biochemistry and cell biology. He talks about where autophagy comes from, or how mitochondria probably entered another cell to form the vantage point for all multicellular organisms that ever come after.

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All of this is explained well, despite the biochemical basis. Good recommendation for anyone interested in the fundamental questions of life, mitochondrial nerds like me, or folks generally interested in biochemistry.

The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor by Gerald Pollack

Gerald Pollack is a well-known researcher who presents his groundbreaking findings on the structure of cellular water in his book ‘Water’*.

Many think cellular water is just plain water. Pollack’s findings make it clear that it is not that simple. Instead, cellular water seems electromagnetically structured and forms a novel shape. Often this water is called hexagonal, fourth phase, structured water or exclusion zone water.

What sounds like scientific hair-splitting has deep implications for how we understand biology:

  • Cell water is a ‘battery’ with dipole and voltage differences, which is influenced by external fields like daylight, but also artificial electromagnetic fields.
  • Thus the ATPase could get competition if we become speculative.
  • This water must be formed and needs energy input in the form of sunlight
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All these thoughts and many more are presented together with the experiments in this book. For me a great book that introduces a new paradigm shift – and shows once again how important the right water in combination with natural light is.

Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat: Why Well-Raised Meat Is Good for You and Good for the Planet von Robb Wolff & Diana Rodgers

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We all know the media propaganda about how bad meat is for the planet. But what if there are far more nuances to this?

The two authors present exactly these in their book* and even show why grazing animals contribute as an essential part of saving ecosystems.
Hereby, the untenable argument that avocados from California or grains from chemical mass culture are better than a grazing cow, from next door, is finally questioned.
It also explains where the crazy statistics come from that portray grazing animals as greenhouse gas monsters they are not at all.

In my opinion, it is a book that everyone should read in today’s highly distorted and politicized world of nutrition. Plant-based is not automatically more ethical, and instead pollutes the ecosystems more and causes indeed a lot of collateral damage than responsible animal husbandry. Who would have thought?

How The Pill Changes Everything by Sarah E. Hill

Did you know that the pill influences your choice of your partner?

Women tend to seek out men on hormone supplements who are more in line with the provider stereotype. This happens because of the alteration of the follicular & luteal phases by the progesterone in the pill. The estrogen-rich peak around ovulation is eliminated by the pill.

I was quite shocked to learn this (even as a man, or especially as a man?). The pill is a mixture of hormones that powerfully changes the cycle of women. Besides the choice of partner, there are many other problems.

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This book presents the current data on the pill* and helps to make a well-founded decision. It is written in a very selective manner and does not attempt to be subject to bias, even though some facts are clearly stated.

Eat like a Human by Bill Schindler

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Bill Schindler is a paleoanthropologist with a focus on traditional foods. He has also traveled widely and gained broad first-hand experience from contemporary hunter-gatherer cultures. He presents these traditional food techniques in his book.

Many problems arise because we no longer have the nutritional wisdom of our ancestors. Plants needed quite a bit of processing to become detoxified and nutrient rich. The same is true of many other biotechnologies, such as sourdough fermentation. This is how people made the heavily defended grains more edible. Nowadays, many of these fall by the wayside due to ignorance & time constraints, and are replaced by industry’s nutrient-poor Frankenfoods. A recipe for disaster, which we can see every day.

In his book* you will find all the traditional technologies explained, as well as the ‘why’ behind them. You’ll also find some great recipes if you want to try nixtamalizing corn, fermenting sourdough or making mesophilic yogurt.

Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic von Sandra Kahn & Paul R. Ehrlich

The epidemic that is meant is shrinking mouth spaces. Doesn’t sound like much at first, but this comes with serious problems, starting with snoring and ending with full-blown sleep apnea.

The book reveals why this happens (spoiler: fat-soluble vitamins & lack of chewing), what the consequences are, and how bad the extent already is these days. More shocking is that all the orthodontic treatment of children & adults is most likely completely avoidable – and with it the horrendous costs.

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Eye-opening book and very clearly written.* A very hot tip for people with previous orthodontic treatment, breathing problems and parents. Unfortunately only available in English.

Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race by Shanna H. Swan

It is no secret that male testosterone is in free fall over the last century. If one follows current calculations2…which is limited, but presents an exciting thought experiment… many couples will be impotent by 2040 and dependent on artificial insemination methods.

Shanna Swan’s book* sheds light on the issue and the biggest culprits – the various environmental toxins with which industry surrounds us. Front and center plastic, full of phthalates and BPA’s or home care products no less full of hormone disruptors. An alarming number of substances today are filled to the brim with them – things you never thought of like toothpaste, detergent, deodorant or pans.

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For anyone who wants to learn more about this, for the sake of their hormonal health, Shanna Swan’s book* is a great place to start. And it’s not just for men, women’s hormones are also greatly affected by hormone disruptive substances. The only way in the end is to avoid these environmental toxins.


Fußnoten & Quellen

  • 1
    = therapy with the help of parasitic worms, such as Necator Americanus.
  • 2
    …which is limited, but presents an exciting thought experiment…

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