The new and exciting field of environmental medicine explains how your surroundings (EMF, environmental toxins, heavy metals & Co) affect your health.
Posts TaggedAncestral Health Ancestral Health sees health as a return to the environment in which humans have always lived, in harmony with our evolution and nature.
Ancestral Health sees health as a return to the environment in which humans have always lived, in harmony with our evolution and nature.
The Ultimate Guide to Cold Therapy (+ 3 Protocols)
Cold therapy, likewise icebaths, are powerful hometic interventions. I show you everything you need to start, from mechanisms to practical protocols.
Red Light Therapy at Home – A Complete Guide
Learn all you need to know to get started with Red Light Therapy at home. While the mechanisms are complicated, the appication is very simple.
The 3 best Air Purifiers for your Home
We breathe in quantities of indoor air, yet give little thought to its quality. Here you will find everything explained & the 3 best air purifiers for your home.
EZ Water – How Water governs your Health!
You’ve probably heard of EZ Water if you’ve landed here via search. It has many other names, such as hexagonal water, cellular water, or structured water. All these terms mean…
The 10 Best Health Books to Read in 2023!
Discover the 10 best health book that’ve read so far and can wholly recommend to you to stimulate your mind with complex health topics.
The Best Blue Light Blockers – Bye-bye, Screen Light!
Blaulichtblocker sind wichtig, um die schädlichen Wirkungen von blauem Licht zu umgehen. Ich zeige Dir, nebst dem warum, die besten Brillen & Apps für den PC.
Earthing – Reconnect to the Earth & Optimize your Health!
Earthing is a fairly new topic. Learn here how daily contact with the earth can help you achieve optimal health!
Phytic Acid in your Diet – all you need to know!
Phytic acid is a known antinutrient. Plants use it as a protective substance against predators. So how should one deal with phytates in the diet?
Quantum Health – Take a Quantum Leap for your Health!
Quantum Health integrates Physics with Medicine – a long due task. And it has important ramifications for your health….